Digging for it

Will this get gold?


You know how things go…

Someone finds gold and others follow. In the ‘others’, there are some invited and some who just tag along.

Imagine a whole city tagging along a few people who have just discovered the most precious metal there ever is. Only they don’t know the full potential yet.


In the ‘others’ we have a man with a broken tooth (must have been a fight over some girl that can cook really well), and we also have a man who is fascinated by things, you know objects. Watches, pens, rings, things that say who he is, from where he is.

Well not really from where he is, you can’t really say that. But when you have gold, you can be from anywhere, can be anyone.


That’s a far-fetched idea too. To be someone, someone from the city who is only known by the title goldsmith is needed. Sounds like a male? IT is a male. Women are better at managing things, they must be assigned something like proper storage of the metals and the money that one earns. If you think of it, the female is the ultimate propeller of prosperity, they rarely get recognized for saving enough though.


Man is an upper being, a supreme being. Maybe he is finder of gold, is that why this is how it is? You can never say what goes in this city. Everyone is after the gold. Gold is the religion, the currency and everybody wants to pray to the god for more. A press release will only show the photo of Mr. Finder. Who’s at home? Well, that’s for another day. Probably when the journalists arrive at their house, and ask for a magazine cover. You can’t say. They do all kinds of stuff to stay relevant.


Anyhoo, moving on.


Like verywhere else, for every priceless metal, there is another group who is shown to be in the bad light. They don’t look very well there. It’s mostly dark. And there we have a reference of a buried shape and form of a ghost that used to scare us in the night. Take this other group of men to be the types that scare the adult. A child might think that if my brave parents are shit scared of this being, then it must be very powerful.


It sure is. It takes away your identity, kid.


History says, that both groups of men had their share of arms. You know the likes of guns, swords and men himself. Going by the purest black and white rationality, the finder group is the good one and the dacoits are the bad ones. The images are already formed in the head to affirm this notion.

A good man loses wealth, and dignity and honor follow it too. Too bad for him, we see his decline from someone who ate with us to someone we don’t meet that often. At the same time, the dacoits are the ones who gain. Someone who we didn’t know exist, are now breaking bread with us. That’s such a weird idea. But the amount of wealth is same, and you never had a problem to be anyone with the amount of gold at disposal.


It was fixed. The idea of bad and good. The idea that looting is bad. In that way, there is no good at all.


From generations we have seen this happening-again and again and again. We have seen this in stories too. The bad guys steal the baby, make it into something, but it finds its way back somehow to his roots and bad guys lose him.


On the same lines, Mr. Finder STEALS from nature. What’s wrong if the dacoits did the same? Weren’t they looking for power and social recognition?


The story takes a wild turn if all the gang members die due to something and now the gold is there, where it used to be. With the nature. Until someone else discovers and melts it and gives it shape and form and the story resumes from the start and goes around in round in a cycle.


It’s ironic that the only thing present in this cycle is something that doesn’t breathe, move, socialize. A piece of crap.

Man does a lot. It really thinks for the greater good. It wants to use everything it has at its disposal to make the world at better place. Needless to say, things take a wild turn and everything goes down, only to rise again.


Gold can be given form and they would still be valuable. Had we been given a form, something that doesn’t really color in the lines ‘prescribed’ in the color books for kids, we are suddenly something that doesn’t fit in. But there’s no social qualm in the social world. The oldies rightly say, “Being dead is the most peaceful”.


We are always changing. But only when we are dead, when the shape refuses to change, nothing can give us form, are we truly appreciated. That’s common between us and those metals-we are both appreciated dead.

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